Gwinnett Families Vote for Equitable, Inclusive Schools Where All Students Can Thrive

For Immediate Release

June 23, 2022



Chany Chea, Communications and Digital Manager, AAAF

Gwinnett Families Vote for Equitable, Inclusive Schools Where All Students Can Thrive

ATLANTA —  On June 21st, Gwinnett voters elected Asian American Advocacy Fund (AAAF) endorsed candidate, Adrienne Simmons, to the Gwinnett Board of Education, District 4. Adrienne’s win signals the will of Gwinnett voters to elect leadership that is representative of the county’s diverse population. “We are elated to celebrate this win, Adrienne’s victory made it clear that Gwinnett voters want equitable, and inclusive schools where all students can thrive,” said Aisha Yaqoob Mahmood, Executive Director of AAAF.

Gwinnett County has been a battleground for fair districting and education justice. During the 2022 legislative session, Republicans changed the Board of Education district lines and created a partisan election process in an attempt to gain a foothold on the Gwinnett Board of Education. Despite this move to diminish the voting strength and representation of communities of color, our communities made their voices heard for education equity. 

The Republican political agenda, targeting education, was made apparent by the number of bills introduced in this year’s legislative session, aimed at allowing extremism, racism, and the erasure of truth in Georgia classrooms. “Gwinnett voters rejected the politicization of our public schools. They elected a leader who will continue to fight to address inequalities, and celebrate the diversity of teachers, students and families,” said Vyanti Joseph, Political Director of AAAF

Adrienne’s win caps off a successful primary election season for AAAF. The organization celebrates six additional endorsed candidate victories. To elect these leaders during the general election, AAAF will reinvigorate the infrastructure and organizing networks built in 2020 that critically turned out Asian American voters—the fastest growing population in Georgia. This effort will complement AAAF’s larger policy agenda of empowering Asian American Georgia residents to create a society in which all community members can thrive.

To learn more about AAAF’s slate of endorsed candidates, visit 

The Asian American Advocacy Fund is a grassroots 501(c)4 social welfare organization dedicated to building a politically-conscious, engaged, and progressive Asian American base in Georgia.


To learn more about AAAF, visit  



AAAF Staff