Expanding transportation

Why is public transportation important?

Public transportation is a crucial part of ensuring the ability of our communities to live and travel reliably. Supporting public transportation is important because it…

  • Reduces traffic congestion, helping make commutes faster and reducing stress for drivers.

  • Benefits the environment, as more public transit options reduce the number of cars on the road, leading to lower emissions and better air quality.

  • Grows the economy by making it easier for people to get to work, shop, and access services. Additionally, businesses may find an area more attractive due to improved transportation infrastructure.

  • Supports accessibility and equity, helping ensure that all residents, including those without cars, have reliable access to employment, education, and healthcare. Better transit services can particularly benefit seniors, low-income families, and people with disabilities.

  • Increases property values, as areas with robust public transportation often see an increase in property values, benefiting homeowners and the local economy.

However, a current lack of resources for public transit options leaves roads congested, travel expensive, and many residents without access to reliable transit options. It’s crucial to support additional resources for public transit efforts to better serve our communities.

Gwinnett and Cobb residents will have the opportunity to vote to expand public transit on November 5th, 2024.

In Gwinnett and Cobb Counties, voters will have the opportunity to vote for transit referenda that would increase access to reliable, low-cost transportation options across the metro area.

In Gwinnett, the Gwinnett Transit SPLOST measure will expand projects that help people move around the county such as microtransit, establish Bus Rapid Transit routes, create a direct shuttle to the Atlanta airport, expand service hours, and introduce transit service on Sundays, among other projects.

In Cobb, the Cobb Mobility-SPLOST measure will also expand projects helping residents move around the county such as microtransit, establish Bus Rapid Transit and Arterial Rapid Transit routes, expand routes connecting to and from Atlanta, upgrade buses with new technology, and improve sidewalks, green trails, and walking paths throughout the county, in addition to other projects.

Both measures would be paid for with a 1-cent sales tax, and both will:

  • Make it easier to get around by decreasing traffic, reducing highway congestion, and lowering parking demand in business districts.

  • Expand reliable, low-cost transit access to hospitals, colleges, and universities, helping more people commute to jobs.

  • Create Bus Rapid Transit with dedicated lanes separate from traffic along major corridors that provide increased reliable service to key areas around the metro area.

  • Lower transportation costs for households and expand options for disabled, veteran, and elderly populations.

  • Improve regional connectivity with direct links to MARTA stations and Hartsfield-Jackson Airport.

The Gwinnett Transit SPLOST and the Cobb Mobility-SPLOST would allow both counties to improve their transit infrastructure - meaning less time stuck in traffic & more time for what matters. With reliable, low-cost transit options for everyone, the transit referenda would allow elders, folks with disabilities, and community members without access to drivers licenses to be able to live and travel freely. It’s simple - accessible transportation benefits everyone!

Both the Gwinnett Transit SPLOST and the Cobb Mobility-SPLOST will be on the November 5th ballot - vote YES to help create an environment where getting around is easier, cheaper, and faster for all of us.