Issues on the ballot

Vote Your Values!


From limiting abortion and voting rights to censoring what we can read and learn, politicians are attacking our fundamental rights like never before. Many of the elected officials behind these extreme policies believe the battle is over and they’ve won. That couldn’t be farther from the truth.

By November 5th, we have the power to send a clear message to our elected officials about the values we hold dear and what we want them to prioritize. This power lies in your hands—through your vote.


Who is up for election?

  • All Georgia State House & Senate seats are up for election! In Georgia, state elected officials play a crucial role in shaping the future of our communities. These leaders make decisions on issues that affect every aspect of our lives, from education and healthcare to voting rights and community safety. They have the power to pass laws, allocate state funds, and influence local policies that directly impact us all.

  • Georgia state legislators are elected every two years, while statewide elected officials like the Governor, Secretary of State, and Attorney General are elected every four years. This means that every election cycle, we have the opportunity to hold our leaders accountable and choose those who will fight for our values.


What issues will be determined by this election?

When we step into the voting booth, we’re not just choosing between candidates—we’re deciding the future of our communities. The decisions made by our state and local leaders impact every aspect of our lives, from the cost of living and healthcare to education and the protection of our fundamental rights.

Here’s what’s on the ballot:

  • Rising costs affect us all, but they hit marginalized communities hardest.

    Decisions on housing, wages, and essential services will shape whether we can afford to live in our communities or are priced out. Your vote can help elect leaders who will fight to make Georgia a place where everyone can thrive.

  • Our right to vote is under threat.

    Politicians have enacted laws that make it harder to vote, especially for communities of color. Voting on November 5th is our chance to defend democracy and ensure that every voice is heard. By electing officials who will protect voting rights, we can safeguard our democracy for future generations.

  • The right to choose is being stripped away.

    Recent laws have severely restricted access to abortion and reproductive healthcare. These decisions disproportionately impact low-income and minority communities. Voting for candidates who support reproductive justice means standing up for the right to make decisions about our own bodies and futures.

  • Healthcare is a fundamental right, not a privilege.

    Many Georgians still lack access to affordable healthcare, and decisions made by our elected officials will determine whether we expand access or continue to leave people behind. Voting for leaders who prioritize healthcare means advocating for expanded access, lower costs, and better health outcomes for all.

  • Our children deserve the best education possible, but current policies are failing them.

    From underfunded schools to book bans and curriculum censorship, the education system is under attack. Voting for candidates who support strong public schools means investing in our children’s futures and ensuring that every child has the opportunity to succeed.

  • mmigrants are the backbone of our communities, yet their rights are constantly under threat.

    State and local leaders have the power to create policies that either support or harm immigrant families. Voting for candidates who stand up for immigrant rights means protecting the dignity and safety of all community members.

  • Our communities deserve to feel safe from white supremacist attacks and gun violence.

    Voting for leaders who are committed to sensible gun safety measures means choosing a safer, more inclusive Georgia for everyone.

  • Standing in solidarity with Palestine and advocating for ceasefire and arms embargo.

    Earlier this year, House Bill 30 passed in the Georgia legislature. While the bill aims to define antisemitism in Georgia state law, we have concerns about its impact. We remain steadfastly opposed to all acts of antisemitism. However, HB 30’s vague language may inadvertently stifle peaceful protest and dissent against the occupation of Palestine, potentially leading to the prosecution of individuals who voice their opposition. Voting for leaders who are committed to safeguarding free speech and opposing legislation with harmful impacts is essential for ensuring that our policies reflect our values of justice

This November, vote your values and make your voice heard. Your vote matters!