Take the pledge now!

By making this pledge, you promise to vote on in Georgia's 2024 General Election by November 5. Voting is an important responsibility that we hold for our communities to make our voices heard at the polls.

Voting in this election is critical and will have an impact on your day to day life - issues like healthcare, education, the economy, and local regulations are affected by the policy makers the we elect.

With so much on the line for the 2024 election, every single vote counts. Studies show that you're more likely to complete an action if you've already made a public commitment to it. That's why we built this pledge — as a way for you (and your friends and family!) to maintain accountability when it comes to voting. Accountability is key. Thank you for making a plan to vote and sticking to it!

Early Voting: October 15 - November 1

Election Day: November 5


We encourage you to share the Pledge to Vote with your friends and family!

Simply save the provided graphic to text or share the pledge on your social media accounts!