Call To Action: HB 838 & SB 402

Contact Gov. Kemp, Tell Him to Veto HB 838 & SB 402

CALL TO ACTION -- The 2020 Legislative Session has concluded, and we were able to stop the harmful voter suppression bill, SB 463. But your help is still needed to ask the Governor to veto HB 838 & SB 402.

HB 838 is one of the most extensive police protection bills in the country. At a time where people across the country are demanding accountability for the countless black lives lost due to police and state-sanctioned violence, HB 838 attempts to paint the police as the victims. HB 838 would create a special “hate crime” to protect police officers. The bill also provides officers under investigation with additional rights that are not granted to any other citizens of Georgia. Finally, police officers would be able to file lawsuits against citizens who file complaints about police misconduct; the bill effectively provides a legal means for police officers to seek retaliation.

SB 402 is a bill that overtly criminalizes poverty in Georgia. It would require cash bail for certain offenses and eliminate the use of signature bonds, even for minor misdemeanors. A signature bond is a pledge a person signs to appear in court on scheduled court dates; they are often used for people with lesser offenses and allow the person to stay out of jail without paying cash or asset-backed bail. Under the guise of enhancing public safety, this bill punishes the poor in our state in order to profit the bail bonds industry.

Please call, email, and tweet Governor Brian Kemp and tell him to VETO HB 838 and SB 402. Below is a script you may use:

Contact Governor Brian Kemp

“My name is [NAME] and I live in [HOME CITY]. I am [calling/writing] to ask the Governor to veto two bills: HB 838 and SB 402.

HB 838 is an unnecessary measure to protect law enforcement. Police officers in Georgia already have generous and reliable protections in place; there is no need for a special “hate crime” to protect them and provide them with additional rights. This bill blatantly disincentivizes citizens from filing misconduct claims against officers who engage in police brutality. HB 838 would make it harder for citizens to hold police officers accountable for incidents of brutality and misconduct through a fear of retaliation.

SB 402 removes alternatives to cash bail and removes the ability of judges to release pre-trial defendants through signature bonds, even for misdemeanors and ordinance violations. This bill further criminalizes poverty and keeps people in jail for not being able to pay bail. This will create additional costs (in the form of millions of taxpayer dollars) for cities and counties who will have to unnecessarily jail people who otherwise could have been eligible for pre-trial release.

I am urging you to VETO both HB 838 and SB 402. Thank you.”

AAAF Staff