Vinh Nguyen


Tucker City Council, District 2, Post 2

About Vinh Nguyen (he/him):

Vinh Nguyen is a 35-year-old Tucker native with a passion for serving his community. Having grown up in the city, he understands the unique challenges and aspirations of its residents. Three generations of his family live here and he will bring a fresh perspective to the City Council. 

Why We’re Endorsing:

Vinh believes in building an inclusive community that values everyone and addresses pressing issues such as affordable housing, education, and sustainable growth. With a focus on progress and equity, he is dedicated to modernizing Tucker while preserving its cherished community feel. Together, Vinh wants to create a safer, more vibrant, and prosperous city that uplifts every resident.

Key Issues:

  • Affordable housing 

  • Economic opportunities

  • Public education 

  • Safe spaces

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Paid for by the Asian American Advocacy Fund Independent Committee and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.