Ruwa Romman


State House District 97

About ruwa romman (She/her):

Ruwa Romman was born in Jordan and is the granddaughter of Palestinian refugees. She has a thorough background in political advocacy and organizing, consistently working to turn out Democrat voters and inform community members on how to get involved in politics. She has worked as a field organizer for AAAF, a field organizer for the Georgia Muslim Voter Project, and a communications director for CAIR Georgia. Since first being elected to the Georgia State House in 2022, Ruwa has used her position to continue to empower communities and everyday people to become more civically engaged.

Why We’re Endorsing:

Ruwa has been a champion for multiple shared policy priorities with AAAF. Ruwa was a leader in the opposition to HB 30, a bill that falsely equated criticisms of the state of Israel with antisemitism, and was one of the first elected officials to express opposition to Cop City and the militarization of police around Metro Atlanta. She strives to continue her work in expanding access to healthcare, supporting a living wage, fully funding public education, and protecting our fundamental right to vote. She has advocated together with us against harmful anti-immigrant bills and has been working to amplify resources to her constituents to deal with the fallout of such bills. Ruwa is deeply invested in her community and values her connection with AAAF, acknowledging the importance of leaning on organizations to mobilize volunteers and voters. During legislative sessions, she has worked with progressive organizations like AAAF to collaboratively strategize on policy priorities and has re-committed to working closely with our organization if re-elected.

Key Issues:

  • Protecting the Right to Free Speech and Protest

  • Advocating Against Cop City

  • Expanding Healthcare Access

  • Supporting Living Wage

  • Improving Public Education

  • Protecting our Right to Vote

  • Fighting against Anti-Immigrant Bills

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Paid for by the Asian American Advocacy Fund Independent Committee and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.