Long Tran


State House District 80

About Long Tran (He/Him):

Long Tran is the son of Vietnamese refugees who has lived in Georgia for the past 13 years and is currently residing with his spouse and two children. He is a small business owner and has worked Asian American small businesses throughout the pandemic to help them get PPE loans, unemployment money, and more.

Why We’re Endorsing:

Prior to running for office, Long has been down to the Capitol to advocate for immigrant rights, as well as to speak about Vietnamese experiences. He has joined rallies and written letters advocating for people’s rights. In Dunwoody specifically, Long has curated relationships with the mayor and city council to advocate on behalf of the immigrant communities there. He believes in expanding opportunities for people to vote, ending racial biases in our state’s Public Service Commission, and increasing overall representation.

Key Issues:

  • Public education

  • Housing affordability

  • Economic opportunity

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Paid for by the Asian American Advocacy Fund Independent Committee and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.