Lee Heard Tucker


Johns Creek • City Council, Post 1


Lee Heard Tucker was born and raised in Hot Springs, Arkansas by a hard-working and inspiring mom who understood the value of education. Lee’s mother worked long hours to ensure her children had every opportunity after her husband died when Lee was only 3 years old. Lee went on to earn a Bachelor’s of Arts in Communications with a minor in Political Science from the University of Arkansas, and completed her Master’s Degree in Political Communications while studying abroad at the University of Oxford. She then worked for a pharmaceutical company and is a single mom to a beautiful daughter. She is also the Chair of the Fulton County Democratic Party. Lee has always considered herself an activist.


Lee Heard Tucker understands that a diverse city like Johns Creek must have leadership that ensures its residents have every opportunity to understand what is happening locally and ensure their voices are heard. Her decision to run was shaped in part by her desire to foster more inclusivity among Johns Creek communities to ensure education, public safety, parks, infrastructure, and transparent and efficient governance remain a priority within her community. Her passion for this community and her willingness to help everyone regardless of where they come from is apparent. She understands that not all residents in Johns Creek are fluent in English and will prioritize accessible communication resources between the community and the City Council.