Rashmi Singh


Johns Creek • City Council, Post 2


Rashmi Singh is a mother, wife and Tech Professional who has worked in various leadership roles and has experience in strategy, planning, innovation and implementation. If elected, she would be the first Indian American woman to hold elected office in the state of Georgia. From her roles in her HOA to corporate, she is always a dynamic leader who is decisive, motivates others, inspires trust, and resolves difficult issues. It's her belief that the city of Johns Creek needs strong leaders as they emerge from the COVID-19 pandemic. Rashmi has a vision to improve the quality of life and safety for every resident, boost economic development in the city, and bring transparency to the office.


Rashmi understands Johns Creek's diverse community and wants to help keep moving the city forward, and  wants to create trust and transparency within the Johns Creek community. 
Rashmi’s campaign focuses on family and community. She brings a depth of life experiences to the campaign trail as a single mother, an immigrant, and as the mother of a special needs child; her lived experiences inspired her to run for office. Rashmi firmly believes that all people should have access to interpreters. She is committed to boosting economic development through local business investment as well as building and investing in green infrastructure. She believes in transparency in all decisions involving resident tax dollars and will ensure community members know how their money is spent.