Dr. Jasmine Clark


State House District 108

About Dr. Jasmine Clark (She/Her):

Dr. Jasmine Clark was born and raised in Atlanta, GA. She earned her Bachelor’s Degree in Biology from the University of Tennessee in Knoxville and her Doctoral Degree in Microbiology and Molecular Genetics from Emory University. Rep. Clark currently serves as a Lecturer of Microbiology and Human Anatomy & Physiology at Emory’s School of Nursing and has proudly served District 108 since 2019. As a first-term legislator, she focused on voting rights, criminal justice, and healthcare.

Representative Clark has proven that she’s committed as an ally when it comes to advocating for immigrants and marginalized communities. She has been a key ally at the State Capitol since her election in 2018. As a scientist, mother, and advocate , Rep. Clark understands the needs of Georgia families and has been outspoken about the need to expand healthcare coverage. We’re excited to support her reelection to the State House so she can continue to be there for our communities.

Why We’re Endorsing:

Rep. Clark has proved that she is an outspoken advocate and leader. As a scientist, she has been extremely vocal and outspoken about the need for affordable healthcare, especially during a global pandemic. She understands the harmful impacts of lack of affordable healthcare, both on Georgians and on the rural hospitals that were forced to close their doors as a result.

As an educator and a mom, Rep. Clark is extremely passionate about education. She believes that all children, regardless of race, ethnicity, or socioeconomic status, should be afforded the same high quality education; Rep. Clark is vocal about how the income-education disparity needs to be addressed in Georgia, which can ultimately hinder class mobility for working and middle class Georgians.

Rep. Clark is a top-sponsor of many other bills that reflect her legislative agenda of voting rights, education, reproductive rights, healthcare, and environmental protection. We are confident that she will continue to advocate for all Georgians when she wins re-election.

Key Issues:

  • Affordable Healthcare

  • Education Equity

  • Reproductive Rights

  • Gun Control

  • Climate Change

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Paid for by the Asian American Advocacy Fund Independent Committee and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.