Farooq Mughal


State House District 105

About Farooq mughal (he/him):

Farooq Mughal is a business leader, public policy expert, mediator, former chairman of the Gwinnett County Community Outreach Board, and the proud son of immigrant parents from Pakistan. Farooq has served on the Steering Committee of the White House Initiatives on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders Southeast Regional Summit hosted in Atlanta at Emory University and helped coordinate the first Asian American Legislative Day at the Georgia Capitol. He is a firm believer in advocating for those from underrepresented backgrounds and aims to help make political processes more accessible for Asian American communities. Farooq brought his record of experience and service to the Georgia House of Representatives since first being elected 2022.

Why We’re Endorsing:

Farooq is deeply involved in his community and has always been passionate about uplifting minorities, knowing the lack of opportunities that exist for communities of color. As an incumbent, Farooq has had a strongly values-aligned voting record, protecting immigrant rights and staunchly refusing to support harmful bills such as HB 30, a bill that falsely equated certain criticisms of the state of Israel with antisemitism. Additionally, he has demonstrated an impressive ability to work within the Republican-majority Georgia State House, authoring 10 bills signed by the Governor in his first term. If elected, Farooq aims to follow through on the implementation of the proactive bills passed in his first term in office. He also aims to expand civic engagement within the AAPI community in his district, and hopes to remain in close contact with his community and organizations like AAAF to stay updated on his actions to better reflect their needs.

Key Issues:

  • Protecting Immigrant Rights

  • Expanding Civic Engagement

  • Fighting Against Legislation that Negatively Impacts our Communities.

  • Protecting the Right to Free Speech and Protest

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Paid for by the Asian American Advocacy Fund Independent Committee and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.