Mokah Jasmine Johnson


Georgia State House, District 117


Mokah is a passionate and active community member in Athens-Clarke County. As an immigrant and a Black woman, she understands the issues that many communities of color in Georgia face, including the intersectionality of issues like immigration status and access to adequate resources. Mokah Jasmine Johnson is a passionate and dedicated advocate for racial and criminal justice, accessible healthcare, and expanding education.


Mokah has lived in Athens, Georgia for seven years with her husband Knowa and her seven children. As a Jamaican immigrant, Mokah’s family came to America with hopes for better opportunities. Mokah was first called to activism in response to repeated acts of racism by bars and businesses in downtown Athens. Since then, Mokah has achieved commendable progress in the fight against racism and discrimination within her community.

Aside from fighting for racial justice and civil rights, Mokah is deeply concerned by voter suppression efforts happening statewide. As a member of the Athens-Clarke County Board of Elections, Mokah fought to make it easier for people to register to vote and exercise their right to vote. She believes that Georgia law currently silences many people of color, specifically Black voters, through systemic racism ingrained in the state’s voting system. As a future State Representative, Mokah promises to continue fighting for more accessible voting policies.

Mokah is a strong supporter of expanding Medicaid immediately. She believes that every Georgian should have access to quality healthcare and is deeply concerned about the nearly 1.5 million Georgians that live uninsured. She is committed to ending rural hospital deserts in Georgia, which leaves numerous Georgians without access to medical facilities, especially during COVID-19. Furthermore, Mokah wants to expand access to prenatal, pediatric, and maternal health resources.

Mokah is a committed and dedicated member of her community. She is an advocate for immigrants, criminal justice, civil rights, and better voting practices. The Asian American Advocacy Fund is ecstatic to endorse Mokah Jasmine Johnson for House District 117!