Carolyn Bourdeaux


U.S. House of representatives, District 7

ABOUT Carolyn Bourdeaux:

Carolyn is a professor at Georgia State University and has extensive experience in government work, especially in her role as the Director of Georgia’s Senate Budget and Evaluation Office. She is dedicated to fighting for access to healthcare, voting rights, and immigration. Carolyn deeply understands the needs of CD7, a district that has flourished with immigrants and communities of color. We’re excited to support her and ensure that our communities in Gwinnett & Forsyth have strong representation at our nation’s Capitol.


Since childhood, Carolyn has felt a deep connection to civic engagement. Growing up with parents that were public school teachers, entrepreneurs, and suffered from illnesses, she has deeply felt the impact and recognized the importance of supporting educators, small businesses, and better healthcare policies.

Carolyn has received a Masters in Public Administration from the University of Southern California, and a Ph.D in Public Administration with a focus on Public Finance from Syracuse University. As a beneficiary of public grants and federal loans, she is committed to giving back to her country and community to help them access the same resources provided to her.

Carolyn believes in passing comprehensive immigration reform that both recognizes the problems at our border and creates a path to legal status. She is dedicated to protecting DREAMers and establishing a clear path to citizenship for them and strongly opposes family separation, as she believes that we should reaffirm the country’s values of welcoming immigrants. Furthermore, Carolyn believes in reforming Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE) in its abhorrent and counterproductive state.

Carolyn has built a community of support across her district, including from many Asian American and immigrant populations. We are excited to see the work she will continue to do in order to support our families in Congressional District 7, and the Asian American Advocacy Fund is proud to endorse Carolyn Bourdeaux!