Mary Robichaux


State House District 48

About Mary Robichaux (She/Her):

Representative Mary Robichaux is a longtime resident of Georgia with a passion for public service. She is currently the State Representative for Georgia’s House District 48 and is seeking reelection. She is running with a vision to ensure that everyone in her district has an opportunity to live their best lives. Representative Robichaux has been a strong ally in the Capitol committed to opportunities for all. She is an advocate for Georgia families on issues like criminal justice reform, access to quality affordable healthcare, voting rights, and educational opportunities. Representative Robichaux’s work in the Georgia legislature will help provide every individual with the resources and support that they need to live a fulfilling life.

Why We’re Endorsing:

Representative Robichaux strongly believes that being an elected official means being a public servant and has promised to actively listen to all constituents and make decisions based on facts. She will work in the legislature to ensure the availability of high-quality and affordable healthcare, expand high-quality educational opportunity, provide traffic options to reduce commute times, enhance gun control, foster economic opportunity, pass criminal justice reform, and dismantle the systems that perpetuate the disproportionate criminalization and incarceration of people of color. Representative Robichaux will be a voice for all Georgians at the Capitol.

Key Issues:

  • Affordable healthcare and housing

  • Educational opportunity

  • Mass incarceration

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Paid for by the Asian American Advocacy Fund Independent Committee and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.