Kim Jackson



Why we’re endorsing Kim Jackson:

Kim Jackson is an exceptional candidate who understands the implications of race and socioeconomic status on a community and will fight to ensure they are not a barrier to success and opportunity. Kim, an experienced life-long community activist and faith leader, will fight for the advancement of all Georgians, advocate for women and children, and work to strengthen the quality of education for working families.

More about Kim Jackson: 

Kim Jackson is an exceptional candidate for State Senate District 41, which includes Stone Mountain, Pine Lake, Clarkston, Lilburn, Tucker, and part of Avondale Estates. Senate District 41 possesses a large AAPI community as well as a significant population of minorities, refugees, and immigrants of different generations. 

Kim’s father served as a social worker that worked for Child Protective Services. From her dad, she learned the importance of advocating for the vulnerable and neglected. Kim’s mother served as a community nurse for economically disadvantaged families with Sickle Cell Disease. From her mom, she understood the need for adequate and quality healthcare for people regardless of socioeconomic status. 

Currently, Kim is an Episcopal priest and community activist. She has led the effort among her peers to champion Criminal Justice Reform in Georgia. Moreover, she has worked tirelessly to try to end the death penalty in Georgia, advocate for women and children, and strengthen the quality of education for lower and working-class families.

The Asian American Advocacy Fund is proud to endorse Kim Jackson for State Senate District 41. Kim is a fierce community activist and organizer and understands how to connect AAPI communities with efforts at the State Capitol. As a community organizer, she has successfully organized diverse communities in her district to understand their concerns deeply.