Jon Ossoff


U.S. Senate


Jon Ossoff is a Georgia native, media executive, investigative journalist, and small business owner. With experience working for members of Congress as well as his work in investigative journalism, Jon brings a unique perspective to the U.S. Senate and is ready to represent the needs of everyday Georgians. He is an advocate for expanding healthcare access, investing in clean energy, and criminal justice reform.


Jon has garnered respect across Georgia. He has listened to and advocated for various ethnic, racial, and faith communities, including many Asian American communities. Jon has a Masters’ of Science from the London School of Economics, and he serves as the CEO of an investigative journalism firm that investigates corruption, organized crime, and war crimes. Previously, he has also worked with Congressman Hank Johnson as a national security aide.

Jon is a strong advocate for increased healthcare access for all Georgians and Americans. He believes that especially during COVID-19, the relationship between wealth and health must be broken, public and comprehensive insurance is a necessity in a country with high premiums, and people of all socioeconomic backgrounds should have access to healthcare.

Jon understands the needs of our communities, including education accessibility and immigration. He’s an advocate for student loan forgiveness and making 4-year degrees at public colleges debt free. In terms of immigration, Jon wants to create a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants. He supports reforming agencies such as the Department of Homeland Security and U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement to ensure that these agencies carry out their duties while also respecting human rights.

Jon is dedicated to ensuring better accountability measures in our government, defending Medicare and Social Security, and protecting bodily autonomy for Americans. The Asian American Advocacy Fund is proud to endorse Jon Ossoff for Senate!