Dr. Tarece Johnson


Gwinnett Board of Education, District 5

ABOUT Dr. Tarece Johnson:

Dr. Tarece Johnson is a mother, advocate, author, activist, and educational leader. Dr. Johnson embodies the values that the next generation needs to see in their leaders. Furthermore, her policy platform reflects an appreciation for diversity, an attribute much desired in a school system as diverse as Gwinnett's. We're incredibly excited to endorse Dr. Tarece Johnson's bid to serve as the next representative from District 5 on the Gwinnett County Board of Education.


Dr. Johnson is a leader in her community and across the county. She is a leader in the Atlanta NAACP Chapter, Alliance for Black Lives, and March on Georgia. She is also the co-founder of the Multicultural Jewish Alliance. Through her role in these organizations, Dr. Johnson has fought against discrimination, systemic racism, inequity, and all forms of ignorance and oppression.

Dr. Johnson seeks to promote multicultural education, multilingual learning, and STEAM programs to prepare children to be successful in our global society. She believes that a quality education should focus on early literacy skills, financial investments, and teacher/parent/community engagement. Two important aspects of her platform are empathy and engagement. She knows that we must understand and meet the needs of all individuals who make up the school system, like students, teachers, parents, and administrators. She will make sure students feel that they are seen and understood so that they succeed not only academically, but also socially and emotionally. Moreover, she is an outspoken advocate for early childhood education because it improves children’s cognitive development.

Dr. Tarece is a creative, entrepreneurial, and empathetic leader. Moreover, she has had multicultural educational and work experiences which make her a qualified leader for a school district as diverse as Gwinnett. She has real experience with students, which has taught her that each student learns in distinct ways. Tarece’s innovative ideas and leadership skills will enhance education for all students in Gwinnett County. The Asian American Advocacy Fund is very excited to endorse her to be the next Gwinnett Board of Education Representative of District 5!