Tanisha Banks


Gwinnett Board of Education, District 3


As a teacher in Gwinnett County and mother of two children, Tanisha Banks is uniquely qualified to serve on the School Board. Tanisha is prepared to advocate for students of color and other marginalized communities, and ensure that every child has an equal opportunity to access a quality education. Tanisha will be a dedicated advocate who focuses her energy on improving educational outcomes for students in Gwinnett County and strengthening the schools that serve our communities.


Tanisha Banks wants rich diversity in the community to be reflected in the Gwinnett school board. She is a Gwinnett County Public Schools teacher of over one decade, a public education advocate, and a GCPS parent. Cornerstones of her platform are accountability, transparency, accessibility, visibility and advocacy.

Tanisha is pursuing a Master’s degree in Counseling and currently teaches in a trauma-informed intervention alternative school, in a learning environment designed to support underserved students. She is also certified as a English as a Second Language (ESL) and Special Education teacher. Tanisha has direct and nuanced work experience in education and she is keenly familiar with the barriers that impact teachers and students’ learning. We are confident that she will utilize her expertise and compassion for students to help all children achieve their maximum potential in Gwinnett County.

Tanisha is a believer in progressive values and an advocate for civil and human rights. She is prepared to be an advocate on behalf of students and increase access to early childhood education, reduce the amount of high-stakes testing, and revamp teacher pay so that it’s more equitable. As the next member of the Gwinnett School Board, Tanisha seeks to implement cultural sensitivity training and cultural diversity curriculum. She also envisions implementing wrap around services and after school programs to assist students and their families.

Tanisha brings a wealth of experience to this role, and her clearheaded leadership is much-needed on the Gwinnett County School Board. She will work to serve our families and improve educational outcomes for our kids. Tanisha understands investing in our childrens’ education now will reap benefits tenfold in the future, and the Asian American Advocacy Fund is proud to endorse her!